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7 tips, forced lockdown, keeping sane, keeping your sanity, lockdown, sane -

How to keep your 'sanity' when forced into lockdown Posted by Liz Alderslade Feb 2021 As each State and Territory goes in and out of lockdown restrictions due to unexpected COVID-19 cases, many people are now having to prepare themselves for sudden isolation and quarantining. Only recently Melbourne went into a 'circuit breaker' lockdown to stop the movement of a new COVID-19 variant which is quite contagious. The unpredictable movement of the virus means people still need to be prepared for an unexpected lockdown. Additionally, you could end up infected with COVID-19, or in close contact with someone who is...

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Sleep will always be just as important to your mental and physical wellbeing as it was when you were a child and throughout your adult life. It helps your body and mind to recharge so you can be refreshed and alert during the day and allow your brain to function properly. 

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Nutrition and good eating is essential for an older person.

It promotes a healthy mind and body, which will help keep you capable of living independently at home for longer.

As we age, our taste and smell decreases, which will impact on eating habits and enjoyment of food. 

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active mind, dementia, keeping the mind sharp, Puzzles -

Dementia advocacy groups advocate for older people to keep their minds active as an important preventative measure to the development of dementia or the acceleration of dementia. 

Studies over the years have backed this standpoint, with many different researchers finding that puzzles can stimulate the brain and keep older people sharp while also delaying the onset of memory loss.

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With a huge uptake in video conferencing apps and programs in the first few months of COVID-19, video calling has increased by 30 percent among research participants studies have shown.

Family and friends found video calls a great way to keep in touch with their older loved ones so they don't feel too isolated from the outside world. Check out our selection of easy to use video call watches and safety devices here under Personal Technology.

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