elderly care devices RSS

elderly care devices, keeping the mind sharp, older Australians, older people, physical, physical fitness, Safety and Security, wellbeing -

Remaining in your own home as you get older is a key factor in maintaining independence, but adaptations need to be made to ensure one's safety and security. For many, accessing home care services is the answer to their needs, for others some simple devices and innovations can be sufficient.

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elderly care devices, Personal alarms elderly -

Personal alarms, also known as panic alarms or medical alarms, are one such product that can assist you in feeling safe while in your home or out in the community. 

These devices have accelerators that can detect falls, which can provide reassurance to the wearer so they can take more risks and live independently.

Even if you haven't had a fall, you can press the button on your personal alarm device to call for help if you have a medical episode or don't feel right.

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